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As CEO, you don’t have time to create great sound bites for your next media interview or write a game-changing speech…but we do. Let former TV journalists use Katrina’s MUST H.A.V.E. FORMULA to make you a shining star!
Whether you are on a national broadcast like 60 Minutes or speaking to your team, it’s time to take your performance to the bank.
You’re a CEO with a vision but you need to be a better public speaker.
You’re a thought leader with so many thoughts, you need a journalist to help you organize and write a story that sells.
You’re a leader who knows WHAT you say and HOW you say has the power to move mountains.
Everything You Need For Your Speaking Business -now- Via Amazon
As an Emmy award-winning TV personality, I’m sharing everything I know about the media and how to tell a winning story about yourself and your company.
My mission in life is to grab your hand, jump over the river of fear, and connect you to a world who needs your voice, your gifts.
Everything You Need For Your Speaking Business -now- Via Amazon
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